He reported many public servants no longer slept at home due to a fear of midnight arrests by Nhu's secret police.
You are aware, perhaps, that in this house all the servants sleep in the modern wing.
The main floor was where soldiers and servants slept after the trestle tables were cleared away.
The attic room was filled with a long line of narrow beds in which the servants had slept.
My husband, Joel Het- man, was away from home; the servants slept in another part of the house.
It was here that the servants slept, and during the day there was no one up here.
In the heat of the afternoon, when all about me the house was still and the servants slept, I, too, felt drowsy.
It is as well that the servants do not sleep in the house.
Soldiers and servants often slept on straw on the floor.
Meanwhile you and your servants can sleep who need rest after so many labours.