Hayd pressed a button and summoned a servant named Luder.
While her sisters worked, she became friends with a servant named Petrushka, who excited her "first erotic sensations".
His first wife, a servant named Susannah Starkie, was considered to be beneath his station.
Calling the house, the commissioner talked to a servant named Hubert and learned that Upman had not yet arrived home.
Tiwari owns a large villa in the city but has never lived there, leaving it occupied by a servant named Pandu.
He was cared by a servant named Joseph Uginet, who loved him greatly.
I was living there; and there was also a servant named Harkins.
He had a servant named Sulu, who escaped with him.
Then, suddenly a servant named Raghu comes in.
Rugio has a servant named Soto who provides much of the play's comic material.