A faithful servant carried Sontrop to a native hut and hid him when the Japanese troops marched in.
However, the servants hide Thimble in Edward and Daisy's flat above the garage, and tells Miss Treadwell and Alice that it has gone "missing".
My own servant has run off and hidden himself somewhere.
"So that your servants can meanwhile hide the treasures somewhere else?"
I traced the rumor and found that some servant had been hiding behind a curtain.
However, the woman of green was still alive because "the servant who looked like the princess" had hidden her in a well, which had protected her from fires.
Francis Lovell had hardly spent any time at Minster Lovell and would not have a faithful servant there who would hide him for years.
When I tried to escape from him, he had his servants hide a packet of jewellery in my room.
History tells us that the young prince escaped the rebels when some servants hid him, dispatching him on a boat to Aden where he would remain until the age of 25.
The third servant, however, has merely hidden his talent in a hole in the ground, and is punished: