In Chinese art, dragons are typically portrayed as long, scaled, serpentine creatures with four legs.
Manda is a serpentine creature similar to a Japanese dragon with four small legs and prominent horns.
As the craft swooped down, he spotted large dark shapes moving in the waters, serpentine creatures curling through bamboo like reeds.
There were fanciful animals: here a cat with a hawk's head, there a serpentine creature covered in glittering blue scales, many others.
Unlike the reports of a serpentine creature, manatees do not swim undulating from side to side.
In European folklore, a dragon is a serpentine legendary creature with two pairs of lizard-type legs and bat-type wings growing from its back.
Before she could leave the cave, a serpentine creature (not Okuninushi, but some unnamed monstrosity) confronted her.
She is chased by a huge creature that seems part dragon and part serpent, with another serpentine creature in its mouth.
At her command, the serpentine creature had turned the elementals against one Luskan ship, then destroyed another.
The feathery but serpentine creature opened that huge oval of a mouth and just seemed to inhale the flying bugs as fast as it could.