And the people who do these things get seriously punished.
Ultimately, none of the Buffalo Soldiers were seriously punished for the fighting, at least not by the army.
I think real harassment should be seriously punished.
Strikes by industrial workers on economic issues were common, at least in the prewar period, and were not seriously punished.
The most seriously punished was a man who had a previous record of 30 arrests and was kept in jail for 10 days.
This does not mean that young offenders do not know right from wrong and should not be seriously punished.
Since McCoy had ultimately released the evidence before the case was decided, he was not seriously punished for what he did.
Violence by German soldiers against Belgians, such as rape, was ignored or not seriously punished.
Claiming to win mahjong while not having a legal hand should be seriously punished.
Judge's Warning The judge said today, "Any arrests in this magistracy will be seriously punished."