As soon as I hear, 'Mac is gimmicky' I think, 'medium to low user who seriously overestimates their ability'.
The German logistical planning also seriously overestimated the condition of the Soviet transportation network.
If all intermediate goods were included in the calculation of the national product, therefore, we would seriously overestimate the value of the country's total output.
I am afraid you seriously overestimate the morality of the British electorate.
Russian headquarters seriously overestimated its own forces.
"Most policy makers seriously overestimate the number of students who want to go to work right after graduation," said Kenneth Gray, a professor of education at Pennsylvania State University.
But even if avoiding war with Germany might not have been possible, it appears that Britain seriously overestimated its chances of achieving a quick strategic victory.
President Putin seriously overestimated his ability to impose his chosen candidate on the Ukrainian people, even if it meant rigging the election.
Nevertheless, Balcon seriously overestimated the confidence of the company's boss, Louis B. Mayer, in British talent and his new head of production.
The International Energy Agency and private researchers admit that they seriously overestimated the reduction of inventories in January.