The use of Italics was so marked a feature of his literary style, as any one who has read his books must have observed, that without their aid the rhetorical effect, which he always strove to produce, would have been seriously marred.
His tenure as D.A. has been seriously marred by allegations that he has abused his office to intimidate other public officials.
Carefully plotted (overplotted, actually) and marked by a savage comic flair, it is nevertheless seriously marred by overstatement, a familiar flaw in the work of writers still finding their aesthetic footing.
The usability is seriously marred, in several critical categories.
They concluded that the case had been seriously marred from the start by tunnel vision.
The visit was seriously marred by the incident and its aftermath.
A $4.2 billion oil pipeline has generated $399 million for Chad since mid-2004, but the spending of the money has been seriously marred by mismanagement, graft and, most recently, the government's decision that a hefty share can be used to fight a rebellion.
Earlier today the party submitted a 40-page complaint alleging that the election was seriously marred by irregularities.