The opportunity to naysay the extra shuttle is worth serious reconsideration.
The question before us now is whether enough time has gone by to give this policy serious reconsideration.
Jeffery Blackwell Delafield, Wis., Dec. 22, 2006 To the Editor: Any serious reconsideration of our strategy in Iraq must go far beyond that country.
I'm angry that the current administration thought creatively about the situation it confronted on Sept. 11 and responded with a serious reconsideration of American strategy, but then they screwed it up in Iraq.
The promoter's confusion stems from comments made yesterday by both Joseph L. Bruno, the Senate majority leader, and Sheldon Silver, the Assembly Speaker, indicating that the new law was suddenly under serious reconsideration.
This demise of the oldest discipline in the world is clearly absurd and ripe for serious reconsideration.
What we have here is essentially a book talking to us from the stage, with its specific narrative points of view and literary style intact, more or less undistorted by any serious theatrical reconsideration.
It should also - when the circumstances so demand it - be a time for a serious reconsideration of the approach taken and, on this score, the Fourçans report offers some lucid diagnoses.
Progress stalled until Israel began a serious reconsideration of the offer in October 2008.