Wright, like many serious poets today, refuses both kinds of completeness.
They separated permanently in 1942, and Frances Bellerby became a serious poet.
Taylor's love of poetry extended beyond humorous verse, however, as he also enjoyed the work of the more "serious" contemporary poets.
The people who write greeting cards seem to know this; why can't so-called serious poets make the same effort?
Worse than that, they were sentimental - which must be the ultimate terror of the serious modern poet.
She's a serious poet without being an earth-shatteringly original one.
His keen observation of the human condition led him to be a serious poet.
She estimates that her collection "The Dead and the Living," published in 1984, has sold 50,000 copies, an enormous amount for a serious poet.
Despite his satirical work, however, Quevedo was primarily a serious poet who could write touching and well-regarded love poems.
These are the tokens of a serious poet, eager to carry on the central tradition of English poetry.