Press coverage has described the game as free-form, focusing on building a social network and learning new skills from classes, with strictly enforced punishments for serious misbehaviour.
Multiple submission is not plagiarism, but it is considered as serious academic misbehavior.
And the Air Force: "Participation in a homosexual act, or proposing or attempting to do so, is considered a very serious misbehavior."
In a milder form, caning is used to punish male youths in many Singaporean schools for serious misbehaviour.
But this crude system at times can force out officers who do not deserve to be ousted and at other times imposes far too light a penalty for serious misbehavior.
One in five of America's five hundred largest corporations has been convicted of at least one major crime or has paid civil penalties for serious misbehavior.
He also believed there should be consequences for serious misbehavior, such as separation from classmates, otherwise schoolwide discipline would break down.
Parents must play a key role in cases of serious misbehaviour too, especially at this young age - we need parents working with schools, not against them.
Catastrophes, such as famine or war, may be the consequence of serious misbehavior of the whole community.
But the consultant, which conducted more than 100 interviews, also had harsh words for the unions, noting that they often defended the most serious misbehavior and poor performance by their members.