It was during this period of stress that he took up gardening as a serious hobby.
Ars is really a sort of serious hobby for me.
She developed her abilities into a serious hobby over the next 35 years.
His father, the owner of a dry cleaning store in the Bronx, played guitar and sang "as a serious hobby."
Sometimes people form a business less out of market demand and more as a serious hobby.
Without your having a serious hobby, another career or an important interest, retirement is a huge challenge.
He pursue acting as a serious hobby, he never went to ask for roles and did only those that came his way.
Ancient weaponry, the study and use thereof, had been a serious hobby with him.
A serious hobby developed out of this, and he saw himself flatting with like-minded people.
Having increased output in one year to 17,000 gallons this would rank as a very serious hobby.