There was more serious friction between the Headmaster and the Usher.
Initially there were only four people in Hut 3, and there were serious personal frictions between them.
Did he speak of a recent row or of serious friction with anyone?
This system, of course, sometimes led to abuse, but mostly it worked without serious friction.
A couple of gravities, maybe, as they began to encounter serious friction from Caern's atmosphere.
But even with a compatible police chief, serious friction can emerge.
It seems that these obligations were found more likely to stir up serious friction within families than to rally family help.
First, the counterterrorism effort that now provides the foundation for strategic cooperation could become a source of serious friction.
Mr. Dexter says there has not been any serious friction.
Power has been a preoccupation ever since, and as a result, several business deals with studios have ended in serious friction.