Mr. Bush's remarks and proposals represented his first serious foray as a presidential candidate into an area of policy that many political analysts view as a potential liability for him.
While Danny has noticed, he has yet to undertake any serious forays beyond the gender gulf.
A small foray, nothing serious, but he was first into it as usual, and got a cut, and the wound didn't heal.
It marked the network's first serious foray into sports programming.
Magic Johnson is thinking about his own serious foray into team management.
He recalled his first serious foray into the community, when he moved off the school grounds and into an apartment near the Montclair Art Museum.
This period overlaps with the beginnings of Johnson's serious forays into Third Stream music (see below).
Mr. Carlucci's only serious foray into the private sector was unsuccessful.
Armond Hill was an eighth grader at St. James grammar school in Brooklyn when he made his first serious foray into art.
The human genome project is biologists' first serious foray into Big Science, an endeavor with which physicists have long been familiar in the form of constructing particle accelerators.