The next year, many of the families had moved to the prairie level, with more leaving after serious floods in 1902 and 1908.
The April 9th, 1970, due to a serious flood, that caused important material damages and the death of 8 people.
There have been serious floods here before, but never anything like this.
In August 2002 there was a serious flood which damaged the site.
Many of the state's trout streams were hit by serious floods in January.
The most serious floods occurred in 1856, 1866 and 1911.
The town was evacuated in March 2001 because of serious floods.
There was another serious flood, later in the century but that came after 1086.
The last serious flood occurred in the fall of 2004 and forced many home football games that season to be moved to other schools.
The most serious recent floods occurred in 2005, 1997, 1995, and 1986.