In the 123 patients taking beta blockers, only 9 percent of the serious arrhythmias occurred on Mondays.
But by July 1996, regulators had reports of 57 Propulsid patients, including seven children, who had developed serious arrhythmias or other heart problems.
This can be a serious arrhythmia, especially in people with heart disease, and may be associated with more symptoms.
The increase in heart rate can lead to lower levels of oxygen, discomfort, panic, and in severe cases, heart attack or serious arrhythmias.
Potentially serious arrhythmias (superventricular tachycardia) have also been reported.
There was no serious damage to his heart muscle, no evidence of a clot basically, they think he had a serious arrhythmia.
A severely exposed patient might be comatose with serious cardiac arrhythmias and electrolyte disturbances.
In some countries pindolol exists as injection concentrate for the emergency treatment of serious arrhythmias.
Courtney has had many serious arrhythmias.
The documented arrhythmias were mostly mild abnormalities, but potentially serious arrhythmias have been reported.