If there are no serious abnormalities detected, the patient may be taken off medicines.
By November of that year, x-rays revealed serious abnormalities in her stomach and intestines.
Some had serious but survivable abnormalities, like Down syndrome.
But she emphasized that the psychologists reported no serious abnormalities.
If a serious abnormality is identified, consultation with a urologist or further testing will likely be necessary.
That, he said, indicates that cloning appears to create serious abnormalities in almost all embryos.
My mother has heard rumors that there may be some serious physical abnormality in the boy that he masks with his high creativity.
Otherwise, the offspring will have twice the normal number of chromosomes, and serious abnormalities may result.
But the agency soon began receiving reports of serious, and sometimes fatal, abnormalities in heart rhythm.
Most had serious physical abnormalities or were gravely ill.