Shuri appeared in the Black Panther animated series, voiced by Kerry Washington.
He is in several episodes of the 1990s X-Men animated series, voiced by Robert Calt.
Revy is the female protagonist of the series, voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi.
Mr. Fantastic appeared in the 1994 animated series voiced by Beau Weaver.
Overlord is the main villain in the short lived Savage Dragon animated series, voiced by Tony Jay.
Leonardo again leads the team in Nickelodeon's animated series, voiced by actor Jason Biggs.
He appeared in season 4 of the Transformers animated series, voiced by actor Neil Ross.
Terra appears in the Teen Titans animated series, voiced by Ashley Johnson.
Living Laser appears in the Iron Man animated series, voiced by Robert Hays.
Master Mold also serves an important role during the first season of the mid-1990s X-Men animated series voiced by David Fox.