Intellectual life revolved around a series of clubs, beginning in Edinburgh in the 1710s.
Coronal discharges battered the fleeing ship like a series of clubs.
He was loaned out from Sendai to a series of clubs in Latin America and Spain.
Having played for a series of clubs, he joined Newport RFC in the 1965-1966 season.
In the 2008-2009 school year, a series of new clubs were created.
"Perhaps," he said at last, "it might be useful to form a series of clubs or associations, for those who are devoted to the democracy."
A whole series of male clubs sprang up which emphasised the elements of male bonding.
In his early career he passed through a series of small clubs.
In response to the massive changes that were taking place throughout Germany a whole series of patriotic clubs and societies grew up in the 1890s.
It was later sold and housed a series of private clubs.