But a recent series of military advances by government forces may mean the war is nearing a decisive phase.
All series he has been magnificently mean, moody and far too clever for his own good.
As the season progress though a series of results meant that a top 4 spot was the final ladder position.
That series in '94 doesn't mean a thing now.
At 43, a series of immense shocks meant he had to grow into something else.
Ending a series also means never being able to do some of those crazy ideas you'd planned on.
She begins to thinks a series of circumstantial events mean that they are not meant to be together.
He had not concerned himself with the first impulse but the series meant that an entire fleet was in motion somewhere.
But unlike last fall, a lost series doesn't mean a lost season.
No one expected this series against the Braves to mean anything.