The series of 26-minute shows was filmed at Hal Roach Studios rather than performed live on the air.
The "Down Under" series was filmed in Australia during early 2013.
The series also filmed some scenes at nearby Vasquez Rocks.
The series filmed its final episode on March 2, and the divorce proceedings started the next day.
The three "Law and Order" series had already filmed much of their seasons before the attacks.
The series filmed at least 18 episodes but only 8 aired in the US.
The first series filmed hand held and this offers a natural feel rather than being too staged.
The series filmed its pilot episode in April 12, 2001 and was picked up in August.
A six-part series was filmed, hosted by John Fashanu.
The Frontline scripts were likewise written and the series filmed with a short period, often within a single week.