Both pickups, parallel out of phase, with the neck pickup's bass response restricted thought a series capacitor.
Signalling is AC-coupled, with the series capacitors located at the transmitter end of the link.
Another unusual feature of Norton's filter design arises from the series capacitor, which represents the stiffness of the diaphragm.
This is the only series capacitor in Norton's representation, and without it, the filter could be analysed as a low-pass prototype.
The series capacitors partially offset the commutating inductance of the converter and help to reduce fault currents.
When the input is at its peak voltage,Vp,current through D10, D7, D4, and D1 charges series capacitors C4, C3, C2, and C1.
The gap between the electrodes and the resonator act as two small series capacitors, making the crystal less sensitive to circuit influences.
Since the SEPIC converter transfers all its energy via the series capacitor, a capacitor with high capacitance and current handling capability is required.
Cauer's second form of driving point impedance consists of a ladder of series capacitors and shunt inductors and is most useful for high-pass filters.
To compensate, series capacitors are connected, decreasing the effect of the inductance.