Ian sat with his back to the doorway gazing at the serene view out his window.
They are yours, plus the most serene views in Britain.
Opening the shutters, we were stunned by the brilliant morning sun and serene view of hills planted with olive trees.
She often met the stresses of high-pressure management by losing herself for a few minutes in the serene view from her office window.
He had never been up this way before and the view of the coastline, spectacular and serene, made him uncomfortable.
Rooms on its upper floors offer a serene view of the city and the sea.
The serene view from her big windows is unchanged, and perhaps Kira will also find a friend around the corner.
Orchid kept her attention on the serene view of the river.
The galleries offer serene views of the cemetery beyond.
Towards the side of the library, there is a small garden, which also provides more shade, along with a serene view.