For this reason, the sequence variant of golden section search is often called Fibonacci search.
The classification of a sequence variant as a VUS is a moving target.
Direct DNA damage can induce changes to the sequence variants.
Conclusive evidence of autism susceptibility due to novel sequence variants of these genes has yet to be clearly identified, however.
Most of these sequence variants fall in parts of the genome that do not appear to be critical for function.
Increasingly, genes are ordered in sets including functionally related genes or multiple sequence variants on a single gene.
Several methods exist for creating large libraries of sequence variants.
Mammalian cells have three known sequence variants of histone H3.
Mutalyzer is a web-based software tool which was primarily developed to check the description of sequence variants identified in a gene during genetic testing.
It is the phylogenetic term for the series of unique sequence variants on the human Y-chromosome.