Some sequences that are very likely to be true orthologs nonetheless exhibit marginal orthology bootstrap values (in the range of 70% or even lower).
The secondary structure that is formed is dependent on the primary structure; different sequences of the amino acids exhibit different preferences.
If repeated many times the sequence of random events will exhibit certain statistical patterns, which can be studied and predicted.
Although an individual coin toss or the roll of a die is random event, if repeated many times the sequence of random events will exhibit certain statistical patterns, which can be studied and predicted.
Some mathematically defined sequences, such as the decimals of pi mentioned above, exhibit some of the same characteristics as random sequences, but because they are generated by a describable mechanism, they are called pseudorandom.
The sequence in Catalonia exhibits a pattern that emerges similarly in marches everywhere.
Often, when looking at infinite sequences, it doesn't matter too much what behaviour the sequence exhibits early on.
A central place in this area of research is occupied by the "strong sweeping out property" (that a sequence of linear operators may exhibit).
The predicted sequence of the mouse Dicer polypeptide exhibits a single dsRBM and tandem catalytic domains.
The latter two sequences also exhibit strong conservation of sequence over the entire length of the region.