A closer look at the orbit diagram shows that there are 4 separated regions at μ 1.
As angle of attack increases, the separated regions on the top of the wing increase in size and hinder the wing's ability to create lift.
In Gunpo, there are dongs that means separated regions.
Looking at the contents of "Wormholes," you can see what he means by "widely separated regions of space-time."
In widely separated regions of the country, the two groups have traded ambushes, and killed some of each others' most experienced field commanders.
In many parts of the world, groups have mixed in such a way that many individuals have relatively recent ancestors from widely separated regions.
In widely separated regions, deep loyalties were generated upon which important nation-states could be erected.
The selections narrow into three different carving traditions from widely separated regions in West and Central Africa.
Since transition occurs in the separated region, the dynamical processes are more related to those of Section 18.4.
However, the lensing is strongest in two separated regions near (possibly coincident with) the visible galaxies.