He had behaved like a prime minister in the Congress, except no one there could ask him a question in that constitutionally separated place.
It might have been interesting to group similar types together, enabling one to compare work from widely separated places.
There is also plenty of water for the shoals to be feeding at the same time in widely separated places.
It meant that when crime's hour came, The Shadow would be visibly engaged in two missions, at widely separated places.
The following lines appear at widely separated places in Sacred Emily:
The coffee plant grows wild in such widely separated places as Liberia and southern Ethiopia.
Occurring in many, widely separated places is the circular planned, stone church, like that already mentioned at Fulda.
They could fragment and do damage in widely separated places.
You can override the settings, but that may require adjustments in two widely separated places.
The color showed in four widely separated places to west, southwest, and south.