Within 8 years, 30 separate canvas-topped theatres had opened in the US.
The actual Illyrian campaign was divided into three separate theaters: one on the sea, two on the land.
In 1981 the main hall was converted into three separate theatres.
The Center Stage theater group took it over in 1977, closing off the balcony to make a second, separate theater.
During 1997, plans were drawn up to reconfigure the Alhambra into separate theatre and dining sections.
The first show in the new separate theater was Here Come the Muppets.
The Tiffany reopened in 1985 as two separate 99-seat live theaters.
For the last six hours, the girls were operated on in separate theatres.
The balcony was converted into a second and separate theatre, called the Capitol 2, in 1975.
Cinema Studio was small - not even 500 seats between its two separate theaters - but it had a disproportionately large impact.