On the east side of the facility is a throwing area complete with separate spots for the shot put, hammer/discus and javelin.
Investigators found seven shell casings, which they thought had come from a single rifle, in three separate spots in the area.
The discocellular spots more or less obsolescent, when distinct, separate and blackish.
The air around me is also superheated and my forward outer warhull temperature has risen in three separate spots to 305 degrees.
And, in fact, I have since come across them myself in several separate spots around the country.
In south Florida the company ran a separate spot aimed at Hispanic viewers.
School governance, as this matter is generally called in Albany, deserves its own separate spot on the agenda.
Each finger moved with the others, but massaged its own separate spot inside her.
We dragged them to a separate spot, packed them with pillows from a pillow bush, and tried them out for size.
The touch was as light as duck down, still he felt each fingertip as a separate spot of heat.