The public has recently seen numerous news reports about the problems of the separate republics.
Garvey argued that black people would never get a fair deal in white society, so they ought to form separate republics or return to Africa.
If the people want to be independent and live in separate republics, again we are ready to cooperate with all of them.
The old royal city of Kraków no longer belonged to the new kingdom, and became a separate republic.
A breakup of the Soviet Union into separate republics, with no center to hold their economies together, could have like effects.
The 1974 constitution had left the central government with very little authority, as the power was divided into the separate republics.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union it became a separate republic, with a population just over 467,000.
From 1993 both teams and individuals will each represent their separate republics.
They used to be two separate Yugoslav republics.
How democracy will fare in general is an open question in the separate republics.