In a separate raid during the same operation, a smaller cache of munitions and weapons was discovered.
The Democratic Front said 250 of its guerrillas took part in a separate simulated raid against Israeli targets.
In a separate raid, soldiers found 225 mortar rounds, 20 rocket-propelled grenades and machine-gun ammunition.
On one single day the Schupo made three separate raids on the building in an effort to arrest Ginczanka.
During this period, London was subjected to 71 separate raids receiving over 18,000 tonnes of high explosive.
Within the first 24 hours of her arrival, Oneida witnessed 56 separate raids on the island.
The following are Civil War battles, campaigns, or separate raids in which cavalry forces played a significant role.
However, armed violence continues in the region, with knives used in two separate raids early yesterday.
This raid appears to be a separate raid from that conducted by Lord Stirling.
The week beginning March 17, 1918 was marked by five separate German raids on the 38th Battalion front in one week.