Maybe kidneys and a liver in separate niches.
She also understands the barriers of economics, class and religion that imprison people in their separate niches.
It may have had a separate ecological niche from these other related animals based on how omnivorous or herbivorous it was.
These three campuses will have their own specialized field of studies, each with a separate and identifiable niche.
Each species is thought to have a separate, unique niche.
Sri Adhishankara in a separate niche.
"Here we keep them in their own separate niches."
It was smaller than the other large carnivores of its time (allosaurs and Torvosaurus) and likely occupied a distinctly separate niche from them.
Against one sidewall stood a statue of a slender goddess flanked in separate niches by a pair of demons.
The power cord was coiled up in a separate niche in the gray foam rubber.