The house is small but well thought out with a separate kitchen as was common at that time to prevent fires.
The apartment has a living room, separate kitchen, dining area and its own private courtyard.
A separate kitchen was later built to expand the barracks.
With the separate but equal kitchens facing a central living room, he's always just a shout away from any of his children.
We also have apartments with private facilities, balcony and separate kitchen which sleep two or three.
Food is prepared in a separate kitchen located near the house but usually behind it.
We were in the main room, too small to be called a hall for all the house boasted the dignity of the separate kitchen.
Sometime before 1900, the separate kitchen was added to the house proper.
A studio apartment has a single bedroom with no living room (possibly a separate kitchen).
At some point in the 1820s, they built a separate kitchen connected to the main house by a covered walkway.