(b) To provide a separate invoice (in duplicate) for each purchase order.
In the UK, euroShell provides separate invoices twice a month for each country of pick-up, showing the value of purchases in sterling and local currency.
However, if payment is accepted in instalments, or separate invoices are issued, the association should follow the procedure in paragraph 30.10 above.
International site networks often use fully automatic fuel pumps to avoid possible language difficulties and are specially designed to account for different taxation regimes e.g. producing separate invoices for each country which fuel was purchased in a particular month to account for different rates of VAT charged.
You fill both tanks on the same day and raise a separate invoice for each 'drop'.
"I can make you a separate invoice, should that be necessary."
All the work in connection with these facilities was carried out in Hong Kong and the cost thereof was included in the sub-licence fee unless a customer asked specifically for a separate invoice.
The new approach means that viewers who use the America Online service over the cable lines of the combined AT&T Comcast will be billed by AT&T Comcast - not by America Online - the way the price of HBO is included in a customer's cable bill, rather than the customer receiving a separate invoice from HBO.
They will do this even if you put the different tasks on separate invoices.