She had crossed that boundary that separates children from people.
In the morning the Israeli soldiers separated the women, children and the old from the men.
Public education has fragmented into multiple school systems, separating children by race and class.
The closing doors may separate children from parents and may cause older people injury.
After spending the night in Farradiyya, the next morning the Israeli soldiers separated the women, children and elderly from the men.
However, "By the mid-1920s, reforms separating children and adults who violated criminal laws into two separate court systems swept across the country."
The past practice of separating Indigenous children from their families.
They hauled the luckless blacks off the train and separated them, men to the left, women and children off to the right.
On the other hand, separating children from their biological parents and place of origin can have adverse psychological, social and educational repercussions.
Empress Maria realized the need to downsize the institution, separating children from adult tenants and improving the educational program for the former.