Every snake that rose into sentry position from the churning host immediately focused its attention on us.
Elenya stooped beside her brother, away from her sentry position.
Perhaps both these guys watching him from their sentry positions had read his article in last week's Herald.
A small sentry position at the outside of the wall was not manned.
Their guards halted and moved into sentry positions around the walls.
In 1520 the villagers of Weißenstadt had to establish a permanent sentry position here.
David stopped and smiled at Rhinemann, who had turned from his sentry position by the balcony and was looking at them.
She backpedaled until she was clear of the forensic team, and then she took up a sentry position a few meters away.
This sentry position was still in use in 1919.
On one occasion, he had tried to ambush the enemy with a force of a hundred hidden near two of the sentry positions.