But your sentimental streak would have been fatal in the end.
I had no idea you had such a sentimental streak.
His wife saw that sentimental streak on their first date, in September 1971.
Maybe Bryant put out an order to keep you on life support, just because he has a sentimental streak.
Essentially, they are two tough guys with a sentimental streak, a memory for slights and great loyalty to one another.
She treats the Plathys by the book but obviously has a sentimental streak toward them.
The film's attitude is not defined by class but by its huge, unexpected sentimental streak.
But his greatest asset, believe it or not, could be a sentimental streak that emerges in small, unexpected ways.
You have a weak spot, a sentimental streak, that your compatriots seem to lack.
I agree, it has a weirdly sentimental streak that really sits at odds with the violence.