In the manner of the best sentimental romances, Angel becomes Leo's true friend and guardian angel.
But the heart of this lampoon of sentimental romance and middle-class society is a verbal wit that still sparkles two centuries later.
The artwork highly contrasted with the politically jarring story and sentimental romance.
What will probably not survive are the forests of second-rate sentimental romances and semi-pornographic thrillers that won all those book prizes during the last century.
The Spanish sentimental romance is a 15th and early 16th century prose genre that uses courtly love to explore the themes of desire and death.
The works known as sentimental romances are prose narratives that tend to be characterized by a lack of uniformity.
In comparison to chivalric romances, sentimental romances tend to be shorter in length and more united in action.
Letters, monologues, and speeches are used to develop the plot of a sentimental romance.
Mussorgsky quickly left behind the customary sentimental romance.