Blake's early fiction modeled itself on the popular sentimental fiction of the time, but became subversive.
Minerva Press was a publishing house, noted for creating a lucrative market in sentimental and Gothic fiction in the late 18th century and early 19th century.
Wollstonecraft is intentionally breaking the conventions of sentimental fiction, but exactly what her goals are in doing so is unclear.
These "angry sentimental fictions" were as much a part of the narrative of modernity as were the formal philosophic disquisitions of learned academics.
But that's just a sentimental fiction.
Typical of sentimental fiction, The Man of Feeling is fragmented; chapters and passages are missing, although this is contrived, as the narrative is still comprehendible.
It is "a perfectly enjoyable piece of sentimental fiction, straight from those golden days of the 1950s."
The hired gun as anything other than a workman who does it for the money is a creation of sentimental fiction.
During a period when sentimental fiction was the norm, and in the United States the "rags to riches" story popular, Little Lord Fauntleroy was a hit.
Upon Todd's return, reasoned Hayward, "the [writing] team used four techniques drawn from the conventions of Victorian sentimental fiction".