The whole Walt Disney philosophy eats out of your hand with these pretty little sentimental creatures in grey fur coats.
Yes, humans were sentimental creatures, their emotions easily bought, and their loyalty cheaply held.
The mood is more pensive than prurient, presenting Ms. Neuwirth's character as a soft, battered, sentimental creature, like a ragdoll who has been played with too hard.
I wanted to hide from her the horror in my face, so I drew her to me and held her fast "Oh, Harriet . . . you sentimental creature!
This epithet, applied to that austere and sentimental creature, seemed to me irresistibly droll.
We were not sentimental creatures; whatever "emotions" we had were limited to food.
You're such an impossibly sentimental creature.
Nurse Cramer was a good-hearted, sentimental creature who rejoiced unselfishly at news of weddings, engagements, births and anniversaries even though she was unacquainted with any of the people involved.
A very sentimental creature.
This phrase, as uttered by that austere and sentimental creature, seemed to me irresistibly comic.