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A sentiment seldom shared with the public during cave search-and-rescue operations.
Mary acknowledges that sentiment, though she does not necessarily share it.
His facts are right, his sentiments widely shared.
Thus he believes that the government's fears may be overblown, a sentiment shared by several economists and policy makers.
Those two verbal sentiments probably share equal billing in the hearts of most Knights players.
"My own common sense tells me something was wrong," he continued, expressing a sentiment shared widely among those who saw the film.
"It makes me uncomfortable," said a diplomat here who specializes in economic affairs, reflecting a sentiment shared throughout the business and banking community.
Play us a tune we can dance to" - a sentiment that some members of the audience may share.
"A sentiment shared by many, I assure you."
He struggled for a while to describe how he felt about the closing before settling on "mixed" - a sentiment shared by others.