Of course, we know that it did not work, but the sentiment expressed was a noble one.
Later interviews only echoed the sentiments expressed to Crowe.
One sentiment expressed involved how Cuban politics were not keeping pace with social reality.
The sentiments expressed long ago in Kenya are almost certainly shared by the peoples who practice the custom today.
The sentiments expressed there were impossible to reconcile with the reality of her situation.
Many fine words were spoken, and sentiments expressed.
Clearly though, the sentiment among most smokers on the 5:23 express Friday was that riding the train to work would never be the same.
He is, however, mentioned only by Curtius, who may have invented the individual and the sentiments expressed for dramatic effect.
We've had these sentiments expressed beforehand by many other people, but I do feel vaguely positive this time.
There was even a sentiment expressed that any talk show host would fervently endorse.