Her attorney, Judd Burstein, said that her long sentence had stemmed from prosecutors' claiming DNA evidence linked her to another dead baby found previously.
His conviction and sentence stemmed from the November 30, 1989, shooting death of his boss, 53-year-old baker Charles Mitroff of Cleveland, Ohio.
The sentence stemmed from a plea bargain, said the Jefferson County District Attorney, Gary W. Miles.
His sentence stems from a conviction on charges of embezzlement, misapplication of Federal Program Funds, theft of public money, false statements, arson and mail fraud.
His original sentence stemmed from a 1999 conviction for drug possession and solicitation of prostitution.
The sentence, the judge wrote, stemmed from a young prosecutor's "spontaneous, nearly casual" trial decision about the quantity of cocaine the jury would be told that Eddie had sold.
The six-month sentence had nothing to do with the episode involving the television evangelist but stemmed instead from an unrelated arrest at a motel last Sept. 21.
This is to be expected, because in many cases the sentence stems name or refer to specific objects and the respondent is provides responses specifically focused on such objects.
The sentence stems from a 1996 trial in Palermo and subsequent appeals.
The course even offers a "dialogue wheel," which provides sentence stems to guide a couple through a nonconfrontational conversation.