A federal judge in San Francisco sentenced the 47-year-old to 30 days' house arrest, two years of probation and 250 hours of community service.
Ebrahimi was also sentenced and spent two years in prison.
X was sentenced two and a half years of imprisonment on the first count and six months on the second count.
He was sentenced 5 years in prison and a fine of 5.35 lakh taka ($ 7,133) or a further one year.
Both men pled guilty to sexual abuse and were sentenced six years and six months in detention respectively.
In 1874 they were sentenced four years at hard labor, although the Emperor commuted this to imprisonment only.
He was arrested in 1942 and was sentenced 58 years of imprisonment.
He was sentenced 1-15 years for 2nd degree manslaughter on October 9, 2007.
He was sentenced and served 20 years as a prisoner in Spandau Prison.
Weston had previously been sentenced eight years in prison for starving a man to death after he refused to support Weston's sister's unborn child.