Simple sentences can convey the most complex thoughts.
His knowledge of what happened culturally and intellectually during the 20's is so deep that even the most casual sentence about Hemingway's life conveys related knowledge of his surroundings.
But even a simple declarative sentence can convey a certain character.
These sentences convey the impression that I am "against the project," i.e., against the acquisition of green space, and tried to get the courts to stop it.
Mrs. Inglethorp reads it, and becomes aware of the perfidy of her husband and Evelyn Howard, though, unfortunately, the sentence about the bromides conveys no warning to her mind.
He described the show as a "post-Christmas turkey" before adding that he found it difficult to locate sentences to convey the "sheer badness".
Yet his first sentence conveys the flaw in this vision: "The human genome embodies the genetic program and parts list needed to make, operate and maintain a person."
Now these sentences convey the impression, no doubt intended, that Oswald qualified as an expert rifleman.
A short sentence can convey many subtle meanings.
Almost every sentence conveys crucial information, but in a deceptively off-hand style that's so light it feels like casual banter.