They lost the sensuous quality of Robbins's ballet-studio encounter.
"Designers are intrigued by the sensuous qualities of surfaces."
That the camera had loved her was clear from their sensuous quality.
"I fell in love with the sensuous quality of the house," said Donald Albrecht, a curator.
They often took on a surreally sensuous quality remote from the everyday.
She urges customers not only to try on the pieces, but also to run their fingers over the surfaces, to experience the sensuous qualities.
Nineteenth-century watercolors can have a delicate, yet rather sensuous quality.
The voice had a sensuous, husky quality, but it also conveyed to Olive the unpleasant sensation of something sawing at her bones.
Contemporary critics dwelt on the works' sensuous, aggressive and primitivist qualities.
The other thing that distinguishes this building from many other Pei projects is its warm, almost sensuous quality.