That, and a sensual promise which managed to be arousing and comforting to him at once.
His voice contained far more sensual promise than it did sarcasm.
There was a wicked glint in those eyes, and a world of sensual promise in his slight smile.
Bridger's voice was so rich with sensual promise that it sent a shiver through her.
How did he manage to invest so much sensual promise, such beguiling tenderness, in a single word?
She responded to the sensual promise in his voice even as she fought it, and her eyes slowly closed.
She added a huge dose of sensual promise when she said, "I'll join you soon."
He was staring at her intensely, his gaze full of sensual promise.
His eyes were bright with laughter, and full of sensual promise.
The sensual promise in his voice made her breath catch.