Being quite alert at the sensory level, you notice this.
When he used imagery, Creeley could be interesting and effective on the sensory level.
At some fundamental sensory level, maybe I'm a gulf war veteran, too.
Well, it seems that the effect can be achieved artificially when you go in above the primary sensory level.
Because of their interactive, absorbing nature, games on the Web can occupy a child at many sensory levels.
What I am after is more of a response on an emotional level or a sensory level.
These results support the claim that visual dominance occurs at a sensory level, before the engagement of attention.
Perhaps he had finally encountered one that thought and felt on a sensory level that was beyond his detection range.
Judgments of aesthetic value rely on our ability to discriminate at a sensory level.
From the sensory level, people must sense and experience the emotional cues of another.