Smell, touch and lateral line sensitivities seem to be the main sensory devices for locating these.
Well, they've taken the sensory devices, but they still don't feel sure that the children can't do more.
Soames, cold with fear, pressed the end of the sensory device.
This was accomplished by using a system of visual, optical, electronic, and other sensory devices.
An early explorer of electronically mediated dance, the company works with sensory devices built into costumes and sets.
Sometimes her kicks destroyed the electronic sensory device of the elevator.
Several of the sensory devices were down, but enough was functioning for her to be able to say, "They're definitely gone, Captain."
It was leading with what looked like one spider's leg, its last remaining sensory device.
He had out his sensory device and had it aimed at the floating wreck.
If not for our various sensory devices, we would have been hopelessly lost.