Your monarch boasts a sensory capacity beyond your own.
Whatever Empedocles's Susan/tway was experiencing now lay beyond her sensory capacity.
A is for augments - people with implants that increase sensory capacity, like hearing, or change appearance, like breast implants.
Our sensory capacities are too limited.
Tough outer integument, an ectoderm with nervous and sensory capacities.
Or maybe you want to heighten your sensory capacities, turn feelings and emotions to your advantage or stimulate extensive areas of your brain.
In front of it - it focused all its damaged sensory capacity to peer ahead - nothing; it didn't appear to be aimed at anything.
I suppose it's the constant overstimulation of the erotic sensory capacity that causes the consequent response deterioration.
The damaged central nervous systems affected fish behaviour and diminishing their sensory capacity to a point "likely to impair their chances of survival".
Yet we are limited by our sensory and cognitive capacity, even with all of the mechanical extenders thus far devised.