Because several elasticity values are uncertain, considerable sensitivity testing will be conducted, to identify those values to which the results are most sensitive.
If the patient fails first line antibiotics, then second-line therapies should be employed, especially after appropriate culture and sensitivity testing.
Also, sensitivity testing is carried out to determine whether the pathogen is sensitive or resistant to a suggested medicine.
The choice of medicines depends on the results of sensitivity testing.
This is called sensitivity testing and is done to help prevent bacteria from becoming drug-resistant.
For these nonstandard indications, sensitivity testing should be done (if possible) before starting rifampicin therapy.
If possible, microbial culture and sensitivity testing should be performed, so the most efficacious antibiotic can be chosen.
The results of sensitivity testing, which determine the medicines that can kill the TB bacteria you have.
Ante mortum diagnosis may be made with the use of dermal sensitivity testing or complement fixation tests.
These patients should have their diagnosis carefully reviewed and specimens obtained for TB culture and sensitivity testing.